Legislator Pledge
I stand with my colleagues in Albany to demand the passage of the Fix the MTA legislative package to make a fiscally sound, accountable, and efficient Metropolitan Transit Authority – recognizing the fiscal crisis facing the Authority, as well as the crises of service and affordability facing riders.
Accordingly, I pledge to co-sponsor the Fix the MTA package, which consists of:
The MTA Freeze Fares, Fund Frequency & Free Bus Act – or the “Formula 3” Act (Gianaris/Mamdani)
Bus lane enforcement & ABLE expansion (Krueger/Hyndman)
Reporting requirements for capital projects (Ramos/Carroll)
Utility relocation agreements to speed capital projects (Comrie/Mamdani)
Ensuring rider perspectives have votes on the MTA Board (Gounardes/Dinowitz)
Ending the requirement that Authorities Budget Office pay its own overhead to hire more staff (Comrie/Carroll)
Remitting the internet marketplace sales tax to safeguard funds (Gounardes/González-Rojas)
Enabling the MTA to engage in value capture (Comrie/Mamdani)
Read more about the legislation here
Questions about the legislation? Reach out to Elle Bisgaard-Church: bisgaardchurche@nyassembly.gov